Environmental Learning Center Rental
Environmental Learning Center Rental
Our award-winning Warren Skarren Environmental Learning Center is the perfect place for a work, social, or corporate meeting to escape into the quiet tranquility of the Texas Hill Country. At 3,000 square feet this LEED-certified (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) green building features a solar observatory, analemma, water catchment, and geothermal heating.
(8am - 5pm) Monday-Sunday
(Saturday & Sunday are possible for half building)
Discounts are available for non-profits and partner organizations!
Half Environmental Learning Center (ELC) Rental)
Half day/Half ELC (South Classroom) rental: $500.00
Full day/Half ELC (South Classroom) rental: $1,000.00
Entire Environmental Learning Center (ELC) Rental
Half day/Entire ELC rental: $1,250.00
Full day/Entire ELC rental: $2,500.00
*Discounts are available for non-profits and partner organizations
Deposit: All Environmental Learning Center Rentals need a $200 deposit to reserve the space. This deposit is non-refundable within two weeks from reservation date.
Includes use of the building, tables, chairs, picnic areas, etc. And restroom facilities.
(18) Plastic 6’0” folding tables
(10) Small 4‘0” Folding tables
(52) Padded folding chairs
(22) Unpadded folding chairs
(1) Mounted projection screens
(2) Mounted Dry Erase boards
(2) Flip Chart Stands
(2) Extension cords
(6) Patio Picnic Tables (about 8 people per table) (8) Picnic Tables (about 8-10 people per table)
(46) Parking Spots
(2 Handicap spots)
(1) Optional Privacy screen available.
Wireless satellite internet
Connection speeds may vary, it is recommended that all presentation and meeting materials be downloaded prior to arrival at Westcave.
As a non-profit organization, all facility rental opportunities at Westcave Outdoor Discovery Center must fall within our mission of inspiring a lifetime of protecting nature. For this reason, we require you to accept and acknowledge the below terms before your request to host an event at Westcave can be processed:
I understand that first and foremost, Westcave Preserve is a nature preserve and has federally protected endangered species. Westcave also protects many rare, endemic and fragile flora and fauna. It is also a geological gem that is a beautiful, sensitive and fragile area that can be damaged by off trail activity and other disruptive activities.
I understand that all regular preserve rules apply, including that:
I will not bring animals of any kind to Westcave.
I will not swim, wade, or make contact of any kind with any water at Westcave.
I will not bring food, gum, or drinks except bottled drinking water onto the trails.
I will not start fires, set off fireworks, smoke, use smoke making devices, or use stoves anywhere on the property at Westcave.
I will not collect or disturb natural materials.
I will not bring any glass bottles or containers onto the trails.
During Golden-cheeked Warbler season (March - July), I will not be unnecessarily loud
All people involved with a Facility Rental will stay on marked trails. I understand that Westcave staff has a zero-tolerance policy for off trail activity of any kind, including but not limited to: people, props, gear, lighting equipment, tripods, rigging, etc.
I agree that if Westcave staff determine wildlife is being impacted by any aspect of the event, I will immediately stop the event and stop the disruptive activity. *I understand that Facility Rental packages are limited to a maximum of 65 people (not including Westcave staff) at one time.
I understand that Facility Rentals are weather permitting and that staff may not be able to reschedule my event if inclement weather prevents the event from occurring on my scheduled date(s).
I understand that all equipment delivery prior to an event must be scheduled with Westcave staff and are subject to approval and availability.
I understand that other restrictions may apply. If additional restrictions apply to my request, I understand they will be determined during the confirmation process for my booking.
I understand if I, or any member of my party, does not follow any of the rules stated above a Westcave staff member reserves the right to correct the violation and/or evict individuals or groups from premises, at any time.
I understand that if I am asked to leave Westcave for any reason related to my violation of this agreement, my event package deposit will become a non-refundable fine and I may be charged additional fees.